Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Review of Literature Essay Example for Free

Review of Literature Essay According to the World Health Organization, â€Å"Health promotion is the process of enabling people to increase control over, and to improve, their health† (2014). It is no surprise that a large cause of death in the United States is often a combination of genetic and environmental factors, as well as lifestyle choices (Chiverton, Votava, Tortoretti, 2003). Health promotion has always been apart of the nursing profession, but the push toward health promotion is larger now than ever before. In regards to health promotion, this essay will examine the purpose of health promotion in nursing, the evolving roles nurses will take on and how nurses can effectively implement teaching of health promotion in patients. Purpose of Health Promotion In light of the new health care reforms, preventative care is becoming the new gold standard of health care. Community-based care has much more emphasis than it ever has in the past. As patient acuity continues to rise, the need for better community-based care and health prevention education has never been clearer. Promotion of wellness is one of the main curriculum taught in nursing education and is also built into the job description of the nursing profession. Nurses are able to have more interactions with patients than any other health care discipline, which helps provide the opportunity of forming a trusting relationship with the individual. Creating this type of relationship gives nurses the opportunity to teach patients important health promotion strategies that are tailored to each individuals needs. The main goal of health promotion is to help promote a long healthy life free from preventable diseases. Read more:  Assess Individual in Health Care Essay Nursing Roles and Responsibilities Evolving in Health Promotion Due to many changes in health care over the years, nurses do their best to  keep up with the many demands of their job description. Unfortunately, a lot of the time this means health promotion education does not get the deserved attention it should. New care models must focus on keeping individuals healthy to avoid getting caught up in the vicious cycle of managing and treating illnesses, which leaves no time for health promotion (Chiverton et al., 2003). In the past, nurses have educated patients on how to manage illness once the illness has been diagnosed. The new goal of nursing is to assess patients for risk factors, identify and then educate patients on how to transform their lifestyle to lower their risk of being susceptible to identified illnesses. In order for nurses to become successful in health promotion, they must first become an effective educator. One part of becoming an effective educator is being able to evaluate the retention of information by the individual. If information is not being retained, the nurse then needs to reevaluate teaching methods and create a new plan centered on the patients needs. Making sure patients understand information is a vital part of a nurse’s job, this ensures patients have the knowledge needed to lead a healthy lifestyle and avoid illness. Implementation Methods for Health Promotion When implementing health promotion it is necessary to set objectives through clear communication. Using medical jargon when teaching someone with little health care background knowledge may lead to ineffective teaching and poor patient outcomes. Once the objectives of teaching are clear and information has been taught to the individual, the nurse should then assess if the individual was able to retain the information. Teach-back method is a positive way to evaluate if the individual was able to understand what the nurse has taught. Health promotion teaching should not end with the initial teaching. Follow-up conversations should be had between the nurse and patient to evaluate positive or negative outcomes since first teaching sessions. From there, the nurse can then provide feedback and reinforcement of initial teaching if necessary. Continual monitoring and encouragement may be needed from the nurse in order to reach set health promotion objectives. Levels of Health Promotion Prevention Within the realm of health promotion there are three levels of prevention; primary, secondary and tertiary prevention. Primary prevention is used before there is any disease present in individuals and focuses mainly on health promotion. Examples of primary prevention could be visiting a primary care physician regularly, receiving immunizations and becoming educated about physical activity. The main goal within this level of prevention is to create awareness within individuals and decrease vulnerability to illnesses (Edelman, Kudzma Mandle, 2014, p. 11). Primary prevention is most likely to produce positive outcomes if education is started at a young age (Doering, et al., 2014). Not all illnesses are preventable, and that is where secondary prevention plays a key role. A common example of secondary prevention includes regular health screenings to promote early detection and treatment of illnesses such as breast cancer. Secondary prevention can also be used for those with illnesses th at could have been prevented at the primary level like a heart attack. The goal of this level of prevention is early detection of illnesses to limit the amount of disability the illness may cause (Edelman, et al., 2014, p.15). Secondary prevention is pivotal in the adult population, and for this reason has become highly studied by nurse scientists (Tingen, Andrews, Stevenson, 2009). Finally there is a tertiary level of prevention, which is used when there is permanent disability or damage from an illness. An example of tertiary prevention could be regaining mobility to a livable level of functioning in an individual who has suffered from an amputation secondary to uncontrolled diabetes. The goal at this level of prevention is to rehabilitate a person to a â€Å"useful place in society† (Edelman, et al., 2014, p.15). Tertiary prevention usually includes a combination of self-help and professional help (Quick, Wright, Adkins, Nelson, Quick, 2013). Providing the disabled individual with resources and services is essential to help enable them to reach their highest level of recovery and functioning. Conclusion Health promotion will continue to be an important role in the nursing profession. Being able to effectively educate patients and create individualized plans will help each patient reach optimal outcomes. Finally,  understanding the different levels of health promotion, and starting education at a young age is ideal for positive patient outcomes. References Chiverton, P. A., Votava, K., Tortoretti, D. M. (2003). The future role of nursing in health promotion. American Journal Of Health Promotion, 18(2), 192-194. Doering, N., Hansson, L. M., Andersson, E., Bohman, B., Westin, M., Magnusson, M., Rasmussen, F. (2014). Primary prevention of childhood obesity through counseling sessions at Swedish child health centres: design, methods and baseline sample characteristics of the PRIMROSE cluster-randomised tri. BMC Public Health, 14(1), 1-24. doi:10.1186/1471-2458-14-335 Edelman, C., Kudzma, E., Mandle, C. (2014). Health Promotion Throughout the Life Span, 8th Edition [VitalSource Bookshelf version]. Retrieved from http://pageburstls.elsevier.com/books/978-0-323-09141-1 Quick, J., Wright, T. A., Adkins, J. A., Nelson, D. L., Quick, J. D. (2013). Tertiary prevention for individuals: Healing the wounds. Preventive stress management in organizations (2nd ed.). Washington, DC US: American Psychological Association. doi:10.1037/13942-012 Tingen, M., Andrews, J., Stevenson, A. (2009). Primary and secondary tobacco prevention in youth. Annual Review Of Nursing Research, 27171-193. doi:10.1891/0739-6686.27.171 World Health Organization. (2014). Health promotion. Retrieved from http://www.who.int/topics/health_promotion/en/

Monday, January 20, 2020

Styles of Teaching: Banking Concept vs. Problem Posing Essay -- resea

Education is defined as, â€Å"The act or process of educating or being educated, the knowledge or skill obtained or developed by a learning process, a program of instruction of a specified kind or level, the field of study that is concerned with the pedagogy of teaching and learning, as well as an instructive or enlightening experience† (No author). People begin their education from day one till the day they die. Every day we learn new things in different ways. Whether someone is just telling us some random fact or you are sitting in a classroom being lectured by a professor. The main focus of this classical argument involves the learning that is done in the classroom or lecture hall in the schools of America today. The question arose as to which style of teaching is most effective in sparking the minds of the receivers to make them become transformers of their education? Would the â€Å"banking concept† of teaching be more effective, where â€Å"the scope of the act ion allowed to the students extends only as far as receiving, filing, and storing the deposits† (pg. 260). Or would the â€Å"problem posing† style of teaching be the most effective, where by â€Å"responding to the essence of consciousness—intentionally—rejects communiquà ©s and embodies communications. It epitomizes the special characteristic of consciousness† (pg. 265). In this essay I intend persuade you the audience to take in my experiences and the experience of two other authors, whom I will be showing you later, and take a look from my point of view.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Through this essay I am going to try and show the advantages of â€Å"problem posing† style to education. In my opinion this style of education is very effective in expanding the minds of the receiver by making them more interactive in their learning rather than the typical lecture and take notes. In this style of education people teach each other and the teacher is not the only one enlightening the class with their knowledge. I cannot only speak this opinion from my own experiences, but also others who share in the same view sculpted by their experiences. The two authors whom I used for a base of my point of view are Paulo Freire and Richard Rodriguez. Freire wrote the essay called â€Å"The Banking Concept of Education,† in which Freire shows how â€Å"problem posing† education is the most effective way to teach and be taught at the same time. Rodriguez wrote the essay call... ... all, everyone is different in their own respective way and some people might have the ability to simply comprehend all they hear, unlike myself I feel like I teach myself more on my own or with others than if I were sitting down and taking notes. The only problem with just listening during a lecture is that people don’t retain all that information over a long period of time. Most of the information is stored in the brain until that test comes and all the information leaves when you hand in the test.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In conclusion the problem-posing style to education is not only the most effective way in helping a student retain the information, but it also sets everyone, whether it be the teacher or the students, at equilibrium. I am not just speaking from my point of view, but also from Freire. We both came to the same conclusion and based our opinions off our own experiences. This style of education is very effective in expanding the minds of the receiver by making them more interactive in their learning rather than the typical lecture and take notes. In this style of education people teach each other and the teacher is not the only one enlightening the class with their knowledge.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Information Age & its Impact on United States Essay

number of propositions. It implies that there is more information now than ever before an indisputable claim. The concept also implies that more people spend more time producing and using more information than ever before another indisputable assertion. Beyond that, the Information Age also suggests that the role of information is more important in the economy than ever before, and that information is replacing some earlier â€Å"fuel† of the American economy (Duncan 1994). These days the primary problem for most organizations and their employees is not the shortage of data but being able to evaluate what is useful and what is not, where to find the good stuff, and then how to use it effectively (Computer Weekly 2005). During the past 25 years, the industry has changed from simple data processing techniques high profile information technology. The challenges of data quality, regulation, access and exploitation are rapidly increasing in urgency (Computer Weekly 2005). For any organization effective information management will make the difference between coping with a dreary burden or using information to gain clarity and build new opportunities. The extended theory founded on this core belief divides U. S. economic history into different eras, depending on the primary economic activity during the period (Duncan 1994). From colonial times until late in the 19th century, the American economy was agrarian. Then, roughly from the dawn of the 20th century through the end of the Second World War, it was preeminently a manufacturing economy. Industry especially heavy industry was the motor that drove the entire economic engine. After World War II, the American economy increasingly came to be dominated by its service sector. By the mid-1950s, more than one-half of all U. S. employment was devoted to providing services rather than to fabricating goods (Duncan 1994). The Pre-Information Age business office was supported by the hierarchical managerial system to keep track of employees and the work they produced (Dmytrenko 1992). Office equipment included information producing tools, such as typewriters and adding machines. Most of the equipment was simple, manual in operation, bulky, and noisy. Clerical staff primarily used this equipment, as they were the appointed information processors of the time. Early efforts to improve office efficiency used industrial engineering techniques, employing time and motion studies to standardize the work tasks of office support staff, and maximize the workflow through effective office design. Information management was categorized as an intensely manual recordkeeping process (Dmytrenko 1992). Filing systems (alpha and/or numeric), and cross-referenced indexes were the prevailing records management techniques employed, and to be on the safe side, offices maintained multiple copies of the same document for back-up purposes. These practices resulted in increasing demands for office space dedicated to files. One source of confusion is the fact that the movements from manufacturing to services, and then to information, were of a different character than in earlier transitions. In the first place, while the transition from an agricultural to a manufacturing-based economy was marked by a decline in the number of jobs in agriculture, there has been no such diminution in the number of manufacturing jobs after the shift to a service economy. Moreover, American manufacturing currently accounts for roughly the same percentage of U. S. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) as three decades ago (Duncan 1994). As a further complication, many argue that the services sector of the economy simply cannot be seen as a separate segment or an economic subsystem. These observers instead insist that it â€Å"serves† precisely the manufacturing sector it is supposed to have replaced and remains dependent even parasitic on manufacturing (Duncan 1994). Moreover, coming up with clear definitions and boundaries for the information industry is, on reflection, a highly complicated undertaking. The Pre-Information Age home was supported by very basic home appliances. These appliances were either on or off, and the home-user manually directed the status. Outside of some minor kitchen improvements, and the advent of television, the average person saw home advancements limited to seasonal color changes, such as â€Å"avocado green† stoves (Dmytrenko 1992). Ongoing changes prevailed in the automobile industry, but slowly. Overall the era was devoid of any electronic â€Å"intelligence. † Business and the home were very separate and different worlds. The predominant orientation was that working people went to work to work, and the home was a place not to work. The telephone was the only information technology common to both the office and home.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Plato s Apology And Crito - 976 Words

Throughout, the history of western civilization religion and politics have been put together and associate with the major the historically events that have marked the history of humanity in earth. In the following written works, Plato’s apology and Crito, The gospel according to Mark and Date’s inferno, in each of these work religion and politics are intertwined to show the impact of these in each character in each written work. Also, these written works explain how politics is affected by religion and vise versa. In Plato’s Apology and Crito are two consecutive plays that explain how Socrates, which was considered an honored and the most wise man in all Athens by the oracle is sentenced to death by because he did not want to admit his wisdom and the importance of the Gods. In the Apology and Crito, it is seen how religion and politics are linked when Socrates is declared by the Delphic oracle the most wisest man in the whole Athens because unlike other people in Athens he knows he does not know anything, â€Å"I am the wisest man alive, for I know one thing, and that is that I know nothing.† Apology, Socrates. Socrates beliefs in the Gods, especially Apollo, but by going against what the oracle says he faced political issues. After, his declaration Socrates is taken in a trial and he is accused of corrupting the youth and not believing what the Gods told the oracle. In his speech Socrates tries to defend himself by questioning one of his accusers, Miletus and using a series ofShow MoreRelatedPlato s Apology And Crito983 Words   |  4 Pagesevents that have marked the history of humanity on earth. In the following written works, Plato’s Apology and Crito, The Gospel According to Mark, and Dante’s Inferno, religion and politics are shown to be intertwined, which emphasizes the impact of each individual character in each written work. Also, these written works explain how politics are affected by religion and vice versa. Plato’s Apology and Crito are plays that explain how Socrates, who was considered an honored and the wisest man in allRead MorePlato s Apology And Crito977 Words   |  4 Pagesevents that have marked the history of humanity on earth. In the following written works, Plato’s apology and Crito, The gospel according to Mark and Date’s Inferno, in each of these works religion and politics are intertwined to show the impact of these in each character in each written work. Also, these written works explain how politics are affected by religion and vice versa. 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